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Mississippi Typography Map Black/White Print


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All of the artist’s unique, hand-drawn typography map art has been painstakingly composed for a clean & modern look…nothing computer generated here! This 11×14 typography map print of the artist’s original black india-ink drawing, features the cities of Mississippi, shaped to the form of the state. The neighborhoods are carefully drawn in the correct location within the map. All prints are SIGNED by Joe Brewton, the artist.

All prints arrive trimmed to size and ready to frame (**frame not included). Printed with high quality archival inks on thick radiant white, fine art paper, these prints are crisp & clear color reproductions of the artist’s original black-ink drawings. 

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Based in Birmingham, Alabama, State Traditions creates state-inspired apparel and accessories that reflect traditions across America. What makes State Traditions, or ST, unique is that the brand focuses on what people already have a connection with:...
Fine Print

We are a Birmingham-based clothing company creating state inspired apparel to showcase the state pride in all of us.

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