Serenity Cuff
Fresh water pearls Wire wrapped on a Brass Cuff
Material | Pearl |
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Holland & Birch
Suzanne started creating her jewelry after a beauty from ashes story and loves to create pieces that hold meaning and that her customers can purchase with a purpose. Most of her line is handcrafted by her and her small team in Birmingham, AL using...
Shipping Policy
Standard shipping is 3-5 business days. Custom items can take up to 7-10 business days.
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No returns or refunds on custom items.
Front Porch Alabama Return Policy
You have 14 days from the receipt of the item to let Front Porch Alabama know there is an issue, and a total of up to 30 days from the receipt of the item to return it, if that is required. If your item arrives damaged, or defective, if it is the wrong item, wrong size, wrong color, or significantly different than it was shown online by the seller, reach out to Front Porch Alabama with your order number and a picture of the product(s) you received along with a short description of the issue. Front Porch will be happy to help you resolve the issue with the merchant. Visit Customer Support for the full policy and list of non-returnable items. https://frontporchalabama.com/customer-support/
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