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California Flag Hat Rack


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Custom rustic hat rack by California Rustic featuring the state flag in a unique way. The hat rack is handmade and hand painted on pine wood, with three hat hooks, and measures 20 inches wide by 14 inches tall. It comes with two sawtooth hangers pre-installed on the back for easy mounting. Hang your coats and caps on this unique piece where you can proudly display your state flag as well.


Handmade item

Materials: wood, stain, paint

Weight N/A

One Size

Global Brand

Global Age Group

State Traditions

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Based in Birmingham, Alabama, State Traditions creates state-inspired apparel and accessories that reflect traditions across America. What makes State Traditions, or ST, unique is that the brand focuses on what people already have a connection with:...
Fine Print

We are a Birmingham-based clothing company creating state inspired apparel to showcase the state pride in all of us.

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